Joshua Tree National Park

After a day of rest in the LA, we are now heading to the east. First stop: the Joshua Tree National Park.

Image: A joshua tree near the west entrance to the park
Image: A joshua tree near the west entrance to the park
Image: The bark of a joshua tree
Image: The bark of a joshua tree
Image: A close-up of a creosote bush
Image: A close-up of a creosote bush
Image: Heaps of rocks -- another staple of the Joshua Tree National Park landscape
Image: Heaps of rocks -- another staple of the Joshua Tree National Park landscape
Image: Despite the high temperatures, patches of lichen can be found in the part of the national park that intersects the higher Mohave Desert.
Image: Despite the high temperatures, patches of lichen can be found in the part of the national park that intersects the higher Mohave Desert.
Image: The park is ripe with camping sites.
Image: The park is ripe with camping sites.
Image: A view from the Keys View (1581 m) observation point into the Coachella Valley below
Image: A view from the Keys View (1581 m) observation point into the Coachella Valley below
Image: The Jumping Cholla (aka the teddy bear) is prominent in the part of the national park that intersects the lower Colorado Desert
Image: The Jumping Cholla (aka the teddy bear) is prominent in the part of the national park that intersects the lower Colorado Desert
Image: The Jumping Cholla (aka the teddy bear) is prominent in the part of the national park that intersects the lower Colorado Desert
Image: The Jumping Cholla (aka the teddy bear) is prominent in the part of the national park that intersects the lower Colorado Desert
Written on July 13, 2016